Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Long Overdue

I felt like after my last post it was time to just take a step back and relax.
I do get heated with my thoughts about infertility, 
but that does not mean that others are not entitled to their own thoughts as well.

When I last wrote about what was actually going on with me was back June 28th, just two days post my 3 day transfer of my embryos.

We transferred two in the hopes that one if not both would stick around for nine months.
The third we crossed our fingers thinking that it could make it to day five and be perfect to freeze.
Well good news number one.
The third embryo made it to day five to freeze, was perfect, and the zona was starting to thin.
How wonderful is that?!?

Now the real reason you are reading this, most likely wanting to know if I currently sit pregnant or not.
Well you are going to have to keep reading like any good mystery novel to find out what is going on.

I'm first going to take you back to the wait that everyone is curious about.
Do you have to wait like everyone else to find out?
Short and simple answer to that question...yes.
I have to wait, but I get to take a blood best to make sure that it is real and not pee on a stick at home at 7 am.
But, who am I kidding, I still got up at 7 am to pee on that stick to see if there were two lines.

For two weeks I kept taking the PIO shot in my upper outer quadrant of my butt cheek. 
Mind you those shots are when my husband gets off of work at 1 am.
So I go to sleep, wake up get the shot ready, go back to sleep, wake up take the shot, then go to bed.
Some people ask me why I don't give me myself.
Easy two part answer.
1. I'm not that flexible to give myself a shot with an inch needle.
2. I want my husband to feel like he is apart of the process.

During those two weeks you really don't know what is "baby" or what is "PIO."
The shot makes your boobs hurt, constipated, and moody.
All of these things could also be the baby that is developing into that tadpole/alien that it looks like.
Either way, something could or could not be happening during those weeks.

One of my "signs" of pregnancy is a runny nose and exhaustion.
 So I kept an eye out for those symptoms.
My blood test was set for July 7th.
I woke up everyday thinking about getting past this day and just one day closer to blood test day.
Once I started to get a runny nose and started to feel exhausted I knew things were happening.

On the morning of my blood test I was nervous and worried.
I just wanted to know that things were going well.
When I was pregnant with my son my numbers started out really high, 1123.
The goal this time was anything over 50.
It was.
I am pregnant.
I was immediately terrified.
I went back two days later to see if it was doubling.
More than doubled.
I went back three two days later to make sure they were still going up.
It's starting to sink in that they are still around.
My babies decided to stick around with me.

More blood work, shots, and appointments were going to happen.
Right now I am just trying to make it day to day and week to week.
You never know how you are going to feel after a miscarriage and getting pregnant again.
Every twinge, stab, cramp, and pain; makes me nervous.
I close my eyes and just hope and pray that these little guys stick around.
So that is it.
Right now I am 6 weeks and 4 days
It is absolutely crazy to think that I have been pregnant twice in the same year.
There are still so many days, weeks, and months to go.
I'm overwhelmed by all of my emotions, but looking forward to each week of my pregnancy.
This is truly a gift and they will never be taken for granted.