Saturday, January 13, 2018

How Big?

The past few weeks have been a ones of up and downs again.

I have found myself saying more times than I honestly care to share,
"When will she be here?"

The only reason I keep asking this is due to the fact that she has found solace in my left hip.
We were told that I was measuring small and that in order to really find out what was going on to do a growth scan to make sure that we was in fact growing the way that she should be.
I'm not going to turn down a chance to see our daughter, but at this point they had me worried.

Off to the doctor we go.
I find that the more anxious you are about an appointment the longer they make you wait.
My appointment was at 3:30 and we didn't go back to the ultrasound until 4:30 and by the time we left it was 5:15.
Anyway, no really good pictures of her face like everyone else, nope she had literally tucked herself all the way into my hip and refused to move for the whole ultrasound.

They found nothing worrisome and said she was in the 74th percentile for how far along I am.
The estimate of her weight was 3.6 lbs.
She also has some peach fuzz for hair.  This will only keep growing until she gets here.
There was still plenty of fluid around her and everything measured as it should.

She is always moving and I can say that I am going to miss all of these small moments with just us.

I have been asked many times to share a belly shot so I guess I will do that.
This is just two days ago at 31 weeks. 

Since the start of my pregnancy I have gained 30 lbs.
Before you get all worried that I am gaining too much weight, my doctor told me that I should gain between 40 and 50 lbs due to my start weight, which was 92.
However, I do wonder how much bigger I can get.
What do you think?

The good part of pregnancy is that I feel good and can eat pretty much all the time.
The "bad" part is that I have varicose veins, heartburn, restless leg syndrome, and hemorrhoids.
I know the last one is gross, but I'm not here to sugar coat pregnancy.
Even with the "bad" I am still enjoying every second of being pregnant.

The doctors are saying that I only have around 7-9ish weeks left and that they highly doubt that I will go until my due date of March 16th.
We will have to see!
Leave a comment with the day you will think she will be here!

I will put up a picture of her and hopefully you can make it out!

I have another appointment on Jan 17th so make sure you come back to see how that went next Friday when I post an update!