Monday, March 5, 2018

Long Awaited News

I have been wanting to update everyone on what is going on, but nothing is really happening.
My due date is quickly approaching and there have been some contractions for the last few weeks.
Other than that, nothing is happening.
I have hit that point where I just want to see her and hold know in my arms.
The last two weeks I have been sitting at 2cm 80% and at a 0 station.
This I have found means absolutely nothing other than she could or couldn't come soon.
Oh so helpful doctors are.
I did end up in Labor and Delivery last week with contractions 3-6 min. apart, but they needed to be at 5 min with having a change.
Which I did not have any change so they sent me home even with them being that close.
Oh well.
I'm starting to feel like I will never have her, but people do tell me that I will.
(Insert major eye roll here)
When you do IVF you have been on a roller coaster for months before being pregnant and then when you do get pregnant the rest of the fun beings.
I have had a rather "easy" pregnancy which I am very thankful for.
However, the last few weeks my ankles have disappeared, my back is killing me, and I feel like I blowfish.
There have been times where I want to throw in the towel and just cry.
Which crying is a new thing in my life that I have found happens at anytime.
I could be in a store, bathroom, in the house, anywhere and then BAM crying and have no idea why.
I do have another doctor appointment on March 7th so I will update everyone with what may or may not be happening after that.
Right now it is like the cookies in the oven just need an extra minute when they have already hit their time limit so you just keep checking on them to make sure you don't burn them.
So, keep checking back and I will post when I have her if that is before Wednesday or what they say after my appointment.
Thank you to everyone who is waiting with me and following our journey to get "Evie" here.