Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Welcome to the World

On March 9th, 2018 our lives changed forever.
After 13 hours of labor our little girl, 
Genevieve Rae Magoto 
joined our family.
This is her story.

I'm going to bypass most of the story since it is just waiting around.
We got to the hospital at 5 am and by 6 am was hooked up to IV's and monitors.
I decided by noon to get some pain medicine to help, but wanted to hold off on the epidural.
I changed my mind pretty quick and by 2pm was getting my epidural.
This wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but still wasn't a wonderful experience.
I always thought that your support person was going to be in the room, meaning my husband was going to be able to help me out; nope, not the case.
They made him step out into the hallway and then we would be able to come back in after it was done.
The whole procedure took 10 minuets and the only thing that hurt was the first shot that was to numb the area.
They try and place this between contractions, but when they are every 2 minuets apart, your going to get one in there.
Once the epidural was placed, I thought I was going to be pain free and happy until delivery.
This also was not the case.
The epidural decided to only work on my right side and not my left,
all of the pain stayed in my left hip.
They tried to move me to my right side, use a peanut ball, and then move me back to my left side.
Nothing worked and in the end they had to call the anesthesiologist back in to see what he could do.
He decided the best thing would be to pull out the catheter in my back position it differently and then give me a top off.
This still took about 15 minuets to work and that was the longest 15 minuets of my life.

Those contractions are no joke!
Once I did get relief they checked my cervix again and I was only at 5cm :( 
How sad is that!
However, what you see and read is very true; once that epidural works you can sleep and talk during those contractions.
I decided to take a small nap for two hours and rest up for what I thought was going to be a long night.
However, after that short nap I woke up and felt like I needed to be put on my back to be more comfortable.
Well, the nice nurse knew something was up, flipped me to my back and did a check...
she asked if I felt the need to push at all, which I laughed and said nope, but why?
Come to find out Genevieve was pretty much right there!
After calling the doctor, getting everything set up, a conversation about how cold it was outside,
 five pushes later she was here.

She was born at 6:55pm
6 pounds 11.6 ounces
20 inches long

All of those years of trying, all of the shots, blood work, needles, ultrasounds, and tears.
She was here just that fast.
After the tears faded and kisses had been given there were three questions that I asked.
1.  Did I really just birth a baby?
2. How bad was the tear?
3. Can you believe that you are a dad?

That was pretty much all of what was going on in my mind at that time.
I would do this all over again and hope that anyone that is still dealing with this, just stick with it.
It really is worth everything when they put that baby on your chest.
There is nothing like it.

I finally now know how everyone feels about their kids.
That bond that when you first look into their eyes that you would do anything for them.
That if someone hurt them, you would make sure to "take care of it."
Genevieve has not only changed my husband and I's lives, but everyone that she meets.
She is a happy and healthy little girl.
We want to thank everyone for the calls, texts, and well wishes.
Image may contain: 1 person, textImage may contain: Thomas Magoto and Gretchen Magoto, people smiling, baby

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