Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A New Year!

I am going to doing a weekly update about food, thoughts, and infertility.  (I hate that word so from now on infertility will be known as pregnancy challenged.)
Here lately my brain has been full of thoughts about my husband coming home SOON!
When he left it was spring, so every time the weather changed I felt like a milestone was made.
Before he left we had been trying to get pregnant for months and no luck.  During that time we tried a few different things, tests, and other stuff.  Then when he left I continued to do different things to increase our chances.

I have completely changed my diet for starters.  I used to eat fast food, fried stuff, a lot of pop, just not anything healthy.  Since he has left I have started taking daily vitamins, no pop, no dairy, nothing fired, and I only eat out once a week or less if I can.  Trying to gain weight to be healthy to see if that will help our chances.  I eat mostly baked items and no red meat if possible, also salads.

Getting asked the question when are you going to have kids, have you thought about kids, do you want kids.  Is very hard.  You can ask my husband every month that we were trying and nothing happened I would break down and say that God hated us.  It seemed like everyone else around us got pregnant right away and with no issues.  Since he has left on this deployment I have gotten closer to God and realized that is not the case.  Everyone gives advice and only He can decide when it is our time.

Taking the stress off when my husband comes home we will be trying again and praying that this time it all works out.  With not a lot of stress and just glad that we have time together.  However, it just so happens that when he will be coming home is when it will be our "time" and hope that it works.  If not we will be on vacation the month after in the beautiful Punta Cana.

The things that we are going to be trying when he comes home are as follows, evening promise oil, pre-seed, drinking guaifenesin, more water, and less stress.  We hope that these things will be able to help us get to where we need to go since the doctors do not know why we are not conceiving.  I will give updates on how this all works weekly.

Enough about that here is a wonderful recipe for baked chicken that I eat almost all of the time.
2 Chicken Breasts
1/2 tablespoon of fresh rosemary
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon of pepper
1 teaspoon of lemon zest
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of olive oil

1. Preheat the oven to 450
2. Pat the chicken dry
3. Mix rosemary, salt, pepper, zest, juice, and olive oil together.  Then rub mixture all of chicken on all sides.
4.  Put the chicken in a roasting pan breast down.  After 15 minutes of roasting turn to breast side up.  Roast for another 20-35 minutes.  

This is easy as pie.  I put mine with some corn and potatoes.  It is a very quick meal that you can make right after work.  I even make mine a then freeze the other half.  It is very healthy for you too!

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