Wednesday, May 14, 2014


We all think about different things in a day.  What am I going to wear?  Will I do well today?  Am I living the life that I am supposed to be living?  What if we don't have enough money to pay our bills?
These things are just apart of our everyday lives and yet do we really talk to anyone about they.  

Worry is something that everyone keeps telling us to stop doing.  Worry makes you stressed, is what I hear almost on a daily basis.  Do I do anything about it?  That answer would be a NO.

Having to deal with everything that has been going on in the last few years has not only been stressful, but it puts a lot on ones heart.  I take a step back and think about all of those that have bigger problems than I do.  Those people that just told their loved one goodbye, a loved one telling their other half goodbye for good.  Those that have lost a child, a parent, family member, those that are dying of cancer, the ones that do not have a place to sleep or food to eat.  These are much bigger issues than what I have right now.

We all need to take a step back and think to ourselves how can we put those feelings aside to do something selfless for someone else.  In the news you only hear about the bad.  What if for one day we only heard about the GOOD and not the BAD.  What if he hear about the young man that saved a lady while crossing the street and not about the lady that was hit by a car because no one helped her.

We seek out the bad in our life and focus on that and not the good that has been.  More times than not I think about others having children while I sit here and don't.  If I put those feelings aside, my life is blessed.  I have a wonderful family, great friends, a job, I got to grow up with my grandparents, and was welcomed into another home that have more family than I know what to do with.  Instead of looking back at the last two years as something that was hard, I look at it as something that helped me grow.  If you can put a positive spin on life could the outcome become different. 

Think about the good in your life.  One day that good may be gone and only a memory.  Those memories are what keep you going.  You live one life and that life should not be something that has left you emotional drained.  This life should be full of happiness.

Proverbs 16:20 He that handles a matter wisely shall find good: and whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he.

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