Wednesday, May 14, 2014


We all think about different things in a day.  What am I going to wear?  Will I do well today?  Am I living the life that I am supposed to be living?  What if we don't have enough money to pay our bills?
These things are just apart of our everyday lives and yet do we really talk to anyone about they.  

Worry is something that everyone keeps telling us to stop doing.  Worry makes you stressed, is what I hear almost on a daily basis.  Do I do anything about it?  That answer would be a NO.

Having to deal with everything that has been going on in the last few years has not only been stressful, but it puts a lot on ones heart.  I take a step back and think about all of those that have bigger problems than I do.  Those people that just told their loved one goodbye, a loved one telling their other half goodbye for good.  Those that have lost a child, a parent, family member, those that are dying of cancer, the ones that do not have a place to sleep or food to eat.  These are much bigger issues than what I have right now.

We all need to take a step back and think to ourselves how can we put those feelings aside to do something selfless for someone else.  In the news you only hear about the bad.  What if for one day we only heard about the GOOD and not the BAD.  What if he hear about the young man that saved a lady while crossing the street and not about the lady that was hit by a car because no one helped her.

We seek out the bad in our life and focus on that and not the good that has been.  More times than not I think about others having children while I sit here and don't.  If I put those feelings aside, my life is blessed.  I have a wonderful family, great friends, a job, I got to grow up with my grandparents, and was welcomed into another home that have more family than I know what to do with.  Instead of looking back at the last two years as something that was hard, I look at it as something that helped me grow.  If you can put a positive spin on life could the outcome become different. 

Think about the good in your life.  One day that good may be gone and only a memory.  Those memories are what keep you going.  You live one life and that life should not be something that has left you emotional drained.  This life should be full of happiness.

Proverbs 16:20 He that handles a matter wisely shall find good: and whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Here I am once again being a slacker in my blog.  I am going to make this a quick update and a have a few small updates on what has been going on.  Oh...and maybe a quick recipe.
For the last two months nothing has really changed.  We have decided to let Him bless us when He is ready.  We are still having fun and not taking everything really serious.  One of my friends told me to just relax and to just not stress about it all.  In the last two years that is all I have done is stress about having kids.  Knowing you want something so bad and can't have it takes a toll.  So this plan is what we have come up with.
In the next six months we are not going to worry, stress, test, think, or obsess over it.  We are going to eat better, spend time together, and work toward a better us.  Going to church, work, fish, see family, and just be together is what we need right now.  Yes, this will be hard; but it is what we need right now.  We will try, but not be disappointed if it does not happen.  Something that I am happy to say that I am looking forward to.
On to other things.  I have finished school (YAYY!!)  I got all A's and this is a surprise to me, but on the other hand a very easy thing since that was all that I had done.  Now to find a job that is different than what I have with a little less stress.
When I was thinking the other night about food nothing was coming to mind, but then just when I needed it a friend sent me a link to some healthy foods.  I found that the foods that I like the most a simple and they are somewhat healthy if used the correct way.  On this site I found an easy yet very healthy recipe that I had everything that I needed...which well never happens!

Orange-Balsamic Glaze Chicken

 1 pack of chicken thighs
1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup of orange marmalade
1/2 cup of chicken stock
poultry seasoning
green onions
olive oil

1.  Dry off the chicken thighs
2. Season with the poultry seasoning and pepper.
3. In a hot pan add the olive oil and the thighs season side down and brown (about 5 minutes)
4.  In a bowl add the orange marmalade, chicken stock, and balsamic vinegar.
5.  Once the chicken is brown on both sides and a pinch of rosemary and the liquid mixture.
6.  Let this simmer for almost 5 minutes until it makes a glaze.
7.  At the very end add the diced green onions.

This is easy and can be served with rice and some type of veggie!  My husband loves this meal and asks for it on a regular basis.

That is all that has been going on and if anyone is really reading this leave a comment on what you would like to know!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Year...New Me

Here is the first week updates on what is going on.
I have to start with saying this...MY HUSBAND COMES HOME NEXT MONTH!!!!
Next, I have started back with classes...crazy!
Working on getting in shape again.
I have started to take EPO again so we will see how this works out.  I have to take it twice a day with food.
I have also started taking my Prenatal vitamins to ensure that I am getting healthier and I am taking these with an extra Iron pill.  
On top of those three pill I take a tablespoon of guaifenesin and that is found in tussin cough syrup. (YUCK)
I have a friend coming up to visit this week.
Next week I have a meeting for what to expect for when my husband comes home.
I have lots of school work and regular grown-up job work.

I have to eat a little over 2050 calories a day to keep my weight where I need it to be to be healthy.
I eat almost all day if I can, sometimes it is harder than others.
A normal day will be breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, snack, dinner, snack.
I will eat healthy in the mornings since I cannot have milk or any type of dairy I will eat some type of fruit.
My snacks will be anything from nuts all the way to some type of oats, trail mix, and peanut butter.
This way it is healthy and will last more than just a couple of minutes.
As promised here is a recipe that I made this week:
Mississippi Roast
1 chuck roast (any size that you want)
1 packet of Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Mix
1 packet of McCormick Au Jus Gravy Mix
4 or 5 Pepperoncinis (hot/spicy, regular, any will do)
1 Stick of butter

What you are going to do is this:
Put your roast in a crock-pot.
  Pour the Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing Mix over roast.
(I made sure that the dressing mix covered all sides of the roast)
You are going to do the same thing with the Au Jus Gravy packet just make sure you get all sides of the roast.
Now, you are going to put those peppers right on top of the roast.
Put the the stick of butter in the middle of the peppers.
Cover and put on low for 7-8 hours if you do not want to wait that long put it on high for 4-5 hours.

"God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even though I think it is hopeless"
Chester Nimitz

Many times there are those that want to give up on HOPE, FAITH, and TRUST.  These are the times that we must hold onto those things.  I have felt that I have lost my HOPE in this struggle.  My FAITH has been tested.  Yet my TRUST in Him is still strong.  I am not saying that my trust has always been there, but I know that He knows that it has and that I have just lost my way.
God knows what I do not know.  There is a lesson to be learned, a path to be found, and struggles to be had before he gives us what we want.  God does not give us what we want, He gives us what we need to understand first.
I have found that He knew my husband was leaving and that I needed to learn patience first. He knew that I would have a hard time, but knew that I needed to find Him and my way.  I have FAITH that everything is going to work.  I have HOPE for the future that will come for my husband, myself, and our family.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A New Year!

I am going to doing a weekly update about food, thoughts, and infertility.  (I hate that word so from now on infertility will be known as pregnancy challenged.)
Here lately my brain has been full of thoughts about my husband coming home SOON!
When he left it was spring, so every time the weather changed I felt like a milestone was made.
Before he left we had been trying to get pregnant for months and no luck.  During that time we tried a few different things, tests, and other stuff.  Then when he left I continued to do different things to increase our chances.

I have completely changed my diet for starters.  I used to eat fast food, fried stuff, a lot of pop, just not anything healthy.  Since he has left I have started taking daily vitamins, no pop, no dairy, nothing fired, and I only eat out once a week or less if I can.  Trying to gain weight to be healthy to see if that will help our chances.  I eat mostly baked items and no red meat if possible, also salads.

Getting asked the question when are you going to have kids, have you thought about kids, do you want kids.  Is very hard.  You can ask my husband every month that we were trying and nothing happened I would break down and say that God hated us.  It seemed like everyone else around us got pregnant right away and with no issues.  Since he has left on this deployment I have gotten closer to God and realized that is not the case.  Everyone gives advice and only He can decide when it is our time.

Taking the stress off when my husband comes home we will be trying again and praying that this time it all works out.  With not a lot of stress and just glad that we have time together.  However, it just so happens that when he will be coming home is when it will be our "time" and hope that it works.  If not we will be on vacation the month after in the beautiful Punta Cana.

The things that we are going to be trying when he comes home are as follows, evening promise oil, pre-seed, drinking guaifenesin, more water, and less stress.  We hope that these things will be able to help us get to where we need to go since the doctors do not know why we are not conceiving.  I will give updates on how this all works weekly.

Enough about that here is a wonderful recipe for baked chicken that I eat almost all of the time.
2 Chicken Breasts
1/2 tablespoon of fresh rosemary
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon of pepper
1 teaspoon of lemon zest
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of olive oil

1. Preheat the oven to 450
2. Pat the chicken dry
3. Mix rosemary, salt, pepper, zest, juice, and olive oil together.  Then rub mixture all of chicken on all sides.
4.  Put the chicken in a roasting pan breast down.  After 15 minutes of roasting turn to breast side up.  Roast for another 20-35 minutes.  

This is easy as pie.  I put mine with some corn and potatoes.  It is a very quick meal that you can make right after work.  I even make mine a then freeze the other half.  It is very healthy for you too!