Friday, June 16, 2017

Holy Bloat

On June 10th I started my shots.
That is such a big statement.
That means that things are moving forward with my IVF journey.

My husband is currently gone and that meant every shot I would have to do myself this time.
Two shots every day.
This time I thought that I would show you what those medicines that you hear can do to your body.

This is something that is really personal since it is my body and well...not naked, but feels like it.

My body type is slim.
Everyone that I meet says if I turn to the side you would miss me.
I can hide behind some of the smallest trees in the neighborhood and well that was my goal in life.

So here it is the "good" stuff that you all have been waiting for.
Today is June 16th and I have been doing shots now for almost a week.
Remember, I am NOT pregnant right now, only trying to get my ovaries to produce as many follicles as possible TO get pregnant.

For those that are reading I am on Follostim, Menopur, and Cetrotide, with a Pregnyl trigger shot.
All of these meds will be gone by the end of my most likely 12 days.

Don't worry that long needle on the syringe doesn't go anywhere near me.
It is only used for mixing....thankfully!

I'm going to start from the start. Before the shots and show you what I look or rather looked like.
Oh flat little I miss you.

Day 1:
My dosage is easy to figure out.
225 of Follostim 
150 of Menopur.

When I started this last November I had no idea how to mix the Menopur or dial any medication, now I can pretty much do it with my eyes closed.
Last time, I would pinch the spot, close my eyes, count to three, and my husband would give the shot.
Now, I still pinch the spot, close my eyes, and count to three, and then do the shot myself.

I know what you are thinking CLOSE YOUR EYES!! 
Yes, I do. 
 It's like a surprise party when someone already told you about it.
It's not as big as a surprise, but still one in the end.

After the first day I took this picture:

Not too big of a change and still pretty small. 
The shots were to be given at 8 pm and that will be the time every night for the next however long I have to do them for.  
However, my mind got the best of me and the shot didn't actually happen until 8:30pm.
It happens.

Day 2:
Went a lot better and only took about 10 minutes to do the shots.
I made my first mistake and had to stick myself more than what I should have.
I pulled the needle out while trying to push the plunger down.
Remember to move slowly, unlike myself.
I started my cycle today and that is always fun.  
It will be shorter because of the shots, but still hate that part of being a girl.
A text would be so much better than what we deal with.

The belly is getting a little bit bigger, but still not too big.
I'm starting to feel fuller than normal, which is a good thing.

Day 3:
Getting much easier to give the shot, but still hate the thought of needles.
I felt like I stayed the same size as the day before.

Day 4:
I couldn't find a good place to pinch any fat even with the belly getting bigger, but managed to find a place.  Hurt like no other, but did it and rewarded myself with cookie dough afterward from 

The belly is bigger than the day before and I went for my doctor appointment the next day to find out what was going on and how things were growing or not growing.
At this point I was getting bigger and didn't think anything of it.

Day 5:
Doctors appointment day.
I hate these days.
Not only do I have to get up before the sun, but I have to get blood taken.
Blood work was ok...not as great as what they wanted, but for where I am it was good.
E2 (estrogen) was at a 74.
Follicles were growing.
The right side always starts out slow for me and then catches up in the end.
Left is always the over achiever in the beginning trying to show off, but toward the end slacks off.

Right: 8mm
Left: 9mm, 4mm, 6mm, 4mm,
I'll take it for now.

I have to go back on Saturday, June 17th for more blood work and another ultrasound.
 That night my shots didn't go as well this night as they day before.
Took about 30 minutes again.
Stupid brain making me overthink that I have to jab a needle into my stomach.

Things changed from the day before and they noticed how big I was.
They told me to stop with water and start with drinks that have electrolytes.
The fear of OHSS (Ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome) hit hard.

For anyone reading and don't know what OHSS is or are looking at IVF it is when  there is too much hormone medication in your system and the ovaries become very swollen and painful.  This can cause rapid weight gain, abdominal pain, vomiting and shortness of breath. It is a very serious condition.
I have pretty much all of it but vomiting.
I took the day off and took it easy.
Put my feet up, stayed out of the heat, and drank a lot of Gatorade.

Day 6:
This is the only day that I didn't take a picture since I looked the same as the picture above.
I had to mow grass...bad decision. 
Shot sucked and made a really big mistake that made me jab myself four times instead of the normal two times.

 If you are doing IVF or IUI with Follostim make sure you keep track of how much you have left in the vial.
Follostim comes in a vial that you put into a pen. You dial to what your dose is then jab, press the top until it says 0, wait a few seconds, and pull it out.

This is what I did:
1. Dial to what the dose was.
2. Jab.
3. Press until it stopped.
4. Noticed the pen was not at 0.
5. Put a new needle on.
6. Jab again. (nothing happened)
7. Checked the vial: EMPTY
8. New vial
9. Dial to what I needed
10. Jab yet again to administer the rest of medication

Then I had to give myself my Menopur shot.
Good ole' Menopur.
I have that shot.
It burns.
I feel that everything that starts with M-E-N will give you problems.

That brings me to today.
Smaller than what I was, but still big, swollen, bruised, and sore.
I can't touch my stomach without it hurting, but still have to.
I have a doctors appointment in the morning so I hope that goes well.

I want to write this and share it for those that have questions, not to scare anyone.
The process sucks, I'm not going to sugar coat that.
But, the end result is worth it.
Plus, labor will be TONS worse than a few shots in the stomach.
After hearing my sons heartbeat I would do this process a dozen times over.
Does it suck?

Does it hurt?

Do I wish I could get pregnant the old fashioned way?
Of course...
I mean who wouldn't?

Am I shy?
Not any more.
I used to be, but now I have no shame when it comes to who sees my downstairs at the doctors office.
I hate saying that, but it is true.

If you are family reading this, I want you to know that if I'm not around this is why.
I'm big, gross, and just want to eat and sleep.
I will be "normal" in a week or so.

If you are reading this from a fertility stand point, don't be put off by IVF.
All of this is worth it in the end.
I mean look at me.
This is my second time and we all want the same result...a baby....a family.....a chance.

I will update next week on what is going on.
Make sure that you tune in and follow our journey to get our family.
Next week I will start one more shot...Cetrotide.

Then retrieval.
(I'm going to try and get some shots before I get caught)

Thanks for hanging out and reading all of this mess.
If you are doing this, you are in my thoughts and know you aren't alone.

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